Rabbi Mordechai Weiss
Rabbi Guide
Israel - History

The history of the Jewish Temple in Jerusalem

Smithsonian publishes
First ever photographs of Jerusalem 1841-1844
The Israel Antiquities Authority
Scientific Archive 1919-1948
This archive allows visitors to explore the British Mandate Period,
and view the impressive and original architectural plan for the Church of the Holy Sepulchre following renovations,
British espionage maps from World War I and blueprints for buildings on the Temple Mount.

"Above and Beyond: The Birth of the Israeli Air Force"
Sample Reel for forthcoming documentary feature "Above and Beyond: The Birth of the Israeli Air Force" by Playmount Productions
Wall Street Journal
Book Review: A Jew Among Romans - WSJ.com
When History Is Written by the Loser
Rare footage
Frank Sinatra in Israel. Vintage 1962.
Photographs by Steve Singer - Chicago Illinois

FIRST PHOTOS of the Holy Land

Praying at the Wailing Wall - 1870